Core business

Evaluations for cultural institutions: this is my core business


What: tailor-made evaluations

Providing customised services to cultural institutions in need of information about their audiences is the core of my work. The services I offer include visitor and audience research, as well as evaluations for institutions in the cultural sector.

Based on well-established methods of empirical social research, the professional studies and surveys I conduct are tailor-made to each individual case. They take into account the specific requirements, the goals and the size and scope of the institution. The service includes the choice of the appropriate method, the survey itself and the data processing as well as the analysis of the results and the final evaluation report.


Why: passing on the audiences‘ feedback

The studies I carry out provide feedback about the interaction between audiences and institutions. My studies and evaluations also integrate comparative elements, benefiting from experience and statistical information collected over the years. Cultural institutions thus have the systematic and structured feedback from their visitors or users they need as a basis for strategic and operative decision making.  


For whom: museums and many more

Any cultural institution receiving audiences could benefit from an evaluation. The focus lies on museums – my area of expertise – and museum-related institutions such as museums associations, ministries of cultural affairs or organisations of museum professionals. I also enjoy working with other institutions such as palaces and castles, heritage sites, libraries, theaters, festival organisers, concert halls, botanical gardens, zoos and many more.


Where: crossing borders

I work on projects mainly in Germany and its neighbouring countries such as France, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria or Luxembourg, with a particular interest in cross-border projects. I would also be happy to work on international projects carried out in English. Every international study includes an intercultural dimension, which I take into particular account in my work.


How: evaluation methods

The evaluations I carry out are based on a quantitative and/or qualitative approach. Different types of evaluations (see list below) and several methods developed for visitor research provide a solid methodological basis for all evaluations and visitor studies I work on.

Go on to evaluation types



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